1. Fluoride

What is it and why is it added in to water supply?

FLUORIDE, the 13th most abundant element on the earth's crust, is a chemical ion of the element fluorine. Fluoride has one extra electron that gives it a negative charge. Fluoride is found naturally in soil, water, foods, and several minerals, such as fluorapatite and fluorite. Fluoride is also synthesized in laboratories. Synthesized fluoride is commonly added to drinking water, toothpaste, mouthwashes and various chemical products.

Water fluoridation is the controlled addition of fluoride to a public water supply to reduce tooth decay. Fluoridated water has fluoride at a level that is effective for preventing cavities; this can occur naturally or by adding fluoride.

Negative Effects of consuming Fluoride in tap water.

Long-term exposure to Fluoride can cause Fluorosis, brain damage, including lower IQ in children, and studies have shown that fluoride toxicity can lead to a wide variety of health problems


2. Chlorine

What is it and why is it added in to water supply?

CHLORINE, element No. 17 on the Periodic Table of Elements, has multiple applications. It is used to sterilize drinking water and to disinfect swimming pools, and it is used in the manufacturing of a number of commonly used products, such as paper, textiles, medicines, paints and plastics.

Chlorination is the process of adding chlorine to drinking water to disinfect it and kill germs. But it also create harmful by-products like Trihalomethanes and Chloroform when combines with organic material in tap water.

Negative Effects of consuming Chlorine in tap water.

At elevated levels, These harmful by-products have been associated with negative health effects such as cancer, adverse reproductive outcomes, damage liver and kidneys.


3. Lead

What is it and why is it in the water supply?

LEAD is a naturally occurring element found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. While it has some beneficial uses, it can be toxic to humans and animals causing adverse health effects.

Lead can enter drinking water when service pipes that contain lead corrode, especially where the water has high acidity or low mineral content that corrodes pipes and fixtures. The most common problem is with brass or chrome-plated brass faucets and fixtures with lead solder, from which significant amounts of lead can enter into the water, especially hot water.

Negative Effects of consuming Lead in tap water.

Even low level of exposure of lead to children can hinder physical development and cause learning disabilities.

Lead is also harmful to adults and can suffer from cardiovascular effects, decreased kidney function and reproductive problems (in both men and women).

4. Chromium 6

What is it and why is it in the water supply?

CHROMIUM-6 can be formed when performing "hot work" such as welding on stainless steel or melting chromium metal. In these situations the chromium is not originally hexavalent, but the high temperatures involved in the process result in oxidation that converts the chromium to a hexavalent state. Hexavalent chromium can also be found in drinking water and public water systems.

Negative Effects of consuming Chromium 6 in tap water.

The indigestion of Chromium-6 may be carcinogenic according to the EPA.A study in China found high rates of stomach cancers in people whose water was contaminated with so much Chromium-6 from a smelter that it had turned yellow.


5. Cadmium

What is it and why is it in the water supply?

CADMIUM is a metal found in natural deposits as ores containing other elements. The greatest use of cadmium is primarily for metal plating and coating operations including transportation equipment, machinery and baking enamels, photography, television phosphors.

Natural deposits can serve as sources to ground and surface waters. However, cadmium can be released to water from the corrosion of some galvanized plumbing and water main pipe materials.

Negative Effects of consuming Cadmium in tap water.

People are exposed to it at levels above the MCL for relatively short periods of time: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, muscle cramps, salivation, sensory disturbances, liver injury, convulsions, shock and renal failure.

Long exposure to high levels of cadmium over a long period of time may result in adverse effects on the kidneys or on bones